Import sqlite on Android 10

Suggestions for WiGLE/JiGLE/DiGLE

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Postby domoko » Sat Feb 01, 2020 10:09 am

Recently I changed a new phone with android 10, previously in each change I only had to copy the sqlite files to the new installation. But with android 10 I can't find the way to copy the files or even find the wigle files folder, neither there is an option to import local files (sqlite or csv), any way to solve it? :roll:

For me it is very important to have a consolidated file of all my observations since I started using wigle years ago. :D

Postby arkasha » Sat Feb 01, 2020 8:26 pm

Yeah, we're pretty bummed by the filesystem API changes. Google is coming out against our Unix-style approach of exposing all the files to our users. This is going to take multiple stages to get things working in a reasonable way, but sqlite export is coming in 2.50, and we have a massive change set to simplify re-import and sync of uploads from WiGLE and csv access under review right now.

At a minimum, you'll be able to bring everything you've uploaded into your new Android db, back up that db for external access, and pull your csv uploads at will in the next couple releases. Importing the whole DB wholesale will pose a nasty challenge under the new API.

If you happen to be a programmer, we'd certainly appreciate another set of eyes: ... g/pull/400

Postby arkasha » Sat Feb 01, 2020 8:32 pm

Also worth noting that as a consolidated file grows large, there can be a real impact on scanning and insertion speed due to the overhead associated with access. Your use case is up to you, but keeping the big file on Android can actually can make you miss networks. (I often use the existing import-from-WiGLE tool, since that adds stub entries for networks but doesn't restore all the locations - this way I know what's new, but it doesn't get insanely slow at 3m nets observed)

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