*** Mark571 ***

Wardrivers: find others in your area

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Postby Chuckster » Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:29 pm


What the heck are you stumbling with? I am curious to know
the state and what gear you are using.

I ask due to the insane amount of AP's you are able to post.

Your friendly Chuckster.

Postby mark571 » Wed Apr 12, 2006 12:08 am

I'm on vacation at the moment stumbling multiple cities covering a LOT of miles daily.

I'm running 2 laptops. One is my navigation box running XP Pro, Globalsat BU-353 GPS puck, Netstumbler, and Delorme Street Atlas USA 2006.

The second laptop is the workhorse running Kismet on top of Knoppix 3.8.2 installed to the hard drive with a Globalsat BU-353 GPS puck, a Mobile Mark 5.5 dBi mag mount antenna from Fab Corp, and a 2.4 GHz 802.11b/g 1 Watt Indoor Amplifier with 16 dB gain, and a Engenius Senao 200mw PCMCIA Card (2511-CD-PLUS-EXT2).

This is a minimal setup compared to some I know, but I stumble a minimum of 5 days a week, every week. If I'm in the vehicle, Kismet is running. No drive is too short. It adds up.

I do a lot of research and planning with JiGLE and Google Earth so I don't waste effort behind the wheel. My Delorme GPS tracks show every drive and I overlay previous drives on the current map so I don't redrive prior stumbles unless I intend to.

Postby Chuckster » Wed Apr 12, 2006 2:02 am


I was wondering why I was getting my butt handed to me in the stats for the month. And now you just leaped ahead. Sheez..

Well thank you for the reply, and nice to meet you.

Postby mark571 » Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:11 am

Nice to meet you to.

Postby mark571 » Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:17 pm


I was wondering why I was getting my butt handed to me in the stats for the month. And now you just leaped ahead. Sheez..

Well thank you for the reply, and nice to meet you.
PS, I'm guessing that you're only using Netstumbler and not Kismet? Add Kismet to your setup and you bring home almost twice as many networks per drive. With the rich pickings in Tampa and St Pete you'll pass me in no time.

Postby Chuckster » Wed Apr 19, 2006 5:03 pm

Currently working on this.


Postby mark571 » Thu Apr 20, 2006 11:51 am

Currently working on this.

It's well worth your time. You'll wish you'd done it sooner. You can redrive your previous areas and it'll appear as though they were never driven. Good luck.

Postby israel » Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:27 pm

It's well worth your time. You'll wish you'd done it sooner. You can redrive your previous areas and it'll appear as though they were never driven. Good luck.
I can vouch for that! As mark571 also previously suggested you want to upload all 3 of your kismet generated file types: CSV (.csv), XML (.xml), GPS (.gps), CWGD output for maximum results.

Israel Torres
[url=http://www.chroniclesofawardriver.org/]Chronicles of a Wardriver[/url]

Postby mark571 » Thu Apr 20, 2006 6:30 pm

It's well worth your time. You'll wish you'd done it sooner. You can redrive your previous areas and it'll appear as though they were never driven. Good luck.
I can vouch for that! As mark571 also previously suggested you want to upload all 3 of your kismet generated file types: CSV (.csv), XML (.xml), GPS (.gps), CWGD output for maximum results.

Israel Torres
Absolutely, but compress them into a *.tar.gz first and send as one file. Saves, time, bandwidth and WiGLE will uncompress it and display the individual files on the uploads page.

Postby goldfndr » Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:23 pm

As mark571 also previously suggested you want to upload all 3 of your kismet generated file types: CSV (.csv), XML (.xml), GPS (.gps), CWGD output for maximum results.
Okay, I'll bite. Assuming Kismet exits gracefully (using "Q") and ignoring the GPS file (accidentally erased or not generated):
  • Under what circumstances would a BSSID be in XML but not in CSV?
  • Under what circumstances would a BSSID be in CSV but not in XML?
  • Under what circumstances would a BSSID be in CWGD but not in any other formats?
While I'm sure that CSV vs XML can add a tiny amount of location data (I'm guessing the coordinate corners are swapped), I'm suspicious that at least one format is redundant when accumulating a recorded networks count, and I'd rather not upload extra data if it wastes processing time and slightly skews the network toward the center of the detection rectangle.

Postby israel » Sat Apr 22, 2006 6:22 pm

I'd rather not upload extra data if it wastes processing time
Prior to all this I was just uploading my .xml files - After confirming what mark571 suggested with bobzilla and on day 37 of my wardriving adventures I uploaded 36 days worth of the rest (.csv & .gps)of my data (around a gig's worth) and got credited 5,000 new networks with gps. These are 5,000 new networks with gps I almost threw into the bit bucket!!!

One of my favorite uhtu-isms
we only create an aggregate approximate position based on estimated observations provided via corrupt logfiles from broken software and faultily synched GPS devices.
Israel Torres
[url=http://www.chroniclesofawardriver.org/]Chronicles of a Wardriver[/url]

Postby mark571 » Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:16 pm

Dutch on NetStumbler.org has several good posts on this (better than I can explain) but the GPS file will have all the detected clients listed in it in addition to the networks in the CSV or XML. Dragorn did it this way on purpose. I HAVE seen times where the CSV and XML did not match due to an error on my box but normally they have the same networks but slightly different info. Seriously, why risk it? If you're spending the time and gas to get them why chance not getting credit? TAR.GZ them all together and upload them all. They compress VERY well. Several 100+ meg files compress down to 5 - 10 meg.

Postby goldfndr » Sun Apr 23, 2006 5:46 am

If you reread my message, I wasn't talking about the GPS file. I know that some of the GPS detections get folded into (and disappear from) the CSV and XML files, and that if the GPS receiver dies then the CSV and XML files will have detections (most likely sans coordinates) that aren't in the GPS file. On my own statistics, the CSV seems to always have a higher count than the XML.

Let me put it another way:
If one has a stable Kismet install and has uploaded a Kismet set in either of the following orders:
has one EVER seen an increment in New Networks with GPS or even Total New Discovered Networks on the XML and/or CGWD?[/b]

mark571: you ask why risk it, I ask if there is any risk at all (FUD?). And Dutch's posting was immediately followed by you, saying that CSV and XML counts "tend to match", I'm just asking about the discrepancy (if any).

Alternatively, do the WiGLE.net maintainers assert that all three should be uploaded, irregardless of any redundancy/costs?

Postby mark571 » Sun Apr 23, 2006 2:07 pm

Sorry, I missed that one important word "ignore" GPS file.

Yes, I have seen a difference in the CSV and XML twice but as I stated previously my box was having issues and after a rebuild I've not seen it since.

Dragorn would be the one to ask for a definitive answer since he wrote Kismet.

Postby i_do_dew » Sun May 21, 2006 10:36 am

The second laptop is the workhorse running Kismet on top of Knoppix 3.8.2 installed to the hard drive with a Globalsat BU-353 GPS puck, a Mobile Mark 5.5 dBi mag mount antenna from Fab Corp, and a 2.4 GHz 802.11b/g 1 Watt Indoor Amplifier with 16 dB gain, and a Engenius Senao 200mw PCMCIA Card (2511-CD-PLUS-EXT2).
How do you hook this together? I have a rebranded 200mw Senao card [sonicwall 01-ssc-5510](2511-cd-plus) and currently just toss this up on my dashboard as I drive. The downside is this means I tend to get better reception from the houses on the right vs. the ones on the left as I drive down the street. Also Since I drive a large metal box, I dont see any access points once they pass abeam. I've wondered if this affects their placement on the WiGLE map. The GPS is a Garmin GPS35-PC OEM sensor on its mag mount base on the roof.

Im still running netstumbler, but after reading some of the posts above I think there is Kismet in my future once I get the other hardware sorted.
a PII 400 should be enough of a box right? I also have a P90 kicking arround some place too if that would hand the load,
I wouldnt have to worry about leaving it in the van all the time either.


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