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WarDriving Tshirts :)

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 3:14 am
by blackwave

Nice, but true?

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 2:26 am
by bobzilla
Seems like every once in a while BAWUG goes back an forth about this. I personally don't think it is, but i wonder what the law-talkin folks have to say. We should have cornered the EFF lawyer at defcon...

Currently.... though things may change

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 4:27 am
by blackwave
Currently there are no national, federal, local codes for "wardriving", nor is it recognized as a crime in any court of the united states of america.. until it is claimed unlawful such activies as benign wardriving should not be treated as a crime, since it is currently not a crime... though through time things may change... then what? There are those out there whom are confusing wardriving defined as "the benign act of locating and logging wireless access points while in motion", with malevolent acts that are capable otherwise regardless of wardriving. We wish to raise the awareness in wardriving is benign. Those who travel other paths must be responsible for their actions, and must individually be plucked... though those who wish to blindly give carte blanche on wardriving in general being malevolent because of a few retards who are stealing is plainly wrong. - blame the designers of the weakness, not those who see the weakness for all eyes would be plucked...

WarDriving Tshirts:

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 12:34 pm
by blackwave
Wardriving is not a crime, and it seems that only we as wardrivers know it... the media spreads propaganda that wardrivers are malevolent and that we are out to hack the WiFi planet )EARTH( and get phree Internet by stealing services; sniffing unauthorized networks in search of passwords; reading your email; blackmailing companies that are not secure... ALL LIES! PROPAGANDA being spread and blindly accepted by governments and its masses... such DISINFORMATION must be rectified!

Interesting problem. . . .

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2003 7:43 pm
by izzy4505
Here's my dilemma. . . . I've tried to spread the word to people that war driving is on the good sign of things. . . I've tried to get positive media attention. . . . However, the media keeps turning my words around. How can we actively get the word out to people through the media when the media is currently our enemy? EVERY single news organization out there simply wants a story, not the truth. There is no honest news. How do we get around that?

Re: Interesting problem. . . .

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 12:03 am
by blackwave
Here's my dilemma. . . . I've tried to spread the word to people that war driving is on the good sign of things. . . I've tried to get positive media attention. . . . However, the media keeps turning my words around. How can we actively get the word out to people through the media when the media is currently our enemy? EVERY single news organization out there simply wants a story, not the truth. There is no honest news. How do we get around that?
I have addressed this in a few ways, here is an example of some live interaction between the media and myself in the name of wardriving.

As usual with emal threads you should start at the bottom to get the gist of the email...

Thread 1

Thanks! I'll email you a bit later today, and appreciate your time.

Check out, let me know if you'd like to be added to the
list. Lots of likeminded souls on there. We don't list members names',
because many value their privacy, but you'd be familiar with many of the
developers who participate I'm sure.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Xeni Jardin
freelance journalist & event developer | AOL-IM: xenidotnet | say: /SHEH-nee/

+ mobile: LA 310.428.XENI [9364] | SF/SV 408.621.9926
+ fax or voicemail me anywhere:
LA 323.843.XENI [9364] | SF/SV 408.516.9672 | NYC 646.349.4853
+ All numbers above reach me wherever I am. Use the one you prefer.

collaborative weblog:
phonecam blog:
vanity site:
wireless tech listserv:
digital folk art project:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 10:15 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: time-sensitive media Inquiry from WIRED News: WWWD
> Hash: SHA1
> Greetings Xeni,
> I understand what and who you are. I am sure we both research
> in strive to dissolve all disinformation and misinformation
> to the masses.
> I have been involved with the WorldWide WarDrive since its
> conception; such as written in the history of the WWWD.
> Feel free to toss your questions. I am here. Note this fair
> warning: I do not tolerate insolence and/or deception.
> blackwave
> - -=BW=-
> On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 09:48:53 -0700 Xeni Jardin <> wrote:
> >Blackwave, thanks! Some of these sites are familiar territory for me,
> >others not, and I really appreciate your timely and considered reply.
> >>
> >>
> >You may or may not know that I regularly cover news about wireless
> >technoloty for WIRED magazine and WIRED online... also
> moderate a list
> >at, which includes a bunch of guys I'm sure you know.
> >developers, tech ceos, wardrivers.... Marius is a member! holler
> >if you
> >want me to subscribe you.
> >
> >Anyway, I'd love to chat with you sometime within the next
> couple days
> >by phone, email, or IM, whichever you prefer -- to sort of toss
> >some
> >questions your way about why you're involved with the WWWD event
> >June
> >28-july 5, specifically.
> >
> >The story I'm working on right now is about that event, not so much a
> >general-interest "gee, what is this crazy wardriving thing those
> >young
> >kids are doing" story.
> >
> >Thanks again and look forward to speaking with you!
> >
> >- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> >Xeni Jardin
> >freelance journalist & event developer
> > | AOL-IM: xenidotnet | say: /SHEH-nee/
> >
> >+ mobile: LA 310.428.XENI [9364] | SF/SV 408.621.9926
> >+ fax or voicemail me anywhere:
> > LA 323.843.XENI [9364] | SF/SV 408.516.9672 | NYC 646.349.4853
> >+ All numbers above reach me wherever I am. Use the one you prefer.
> >
> >collaborative weblog:
> >phonecam blog:
> >vanity site:
> >wireless tech listserv:
> >digital folk art project:
> >
> >
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: []
> >> Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 9:32 AM
> >> To:
> >> Cc:
> >> Subject: Re: time-sensitive media Inquiry from WIRED News: WWWD
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Hash: SHA1
> >>
> >> Greetings Xeni,
> >>
> >> I have provided for you a few sites that you may find of value
> >> regarding the WorldWide WarDrive and wardriving in
> general. You are
> >> certainly most lucky as I have spent a chunk
> >>
> >> of my life doing this research so that you don't have to.
> You may not
> >> alter any of my words.
> >>
> >> The HQ of the WWWD - full of FAQ, History, Configuration,
> >> Coordination, Maps, Stats, and T-shirt information.
> >>
> >>
> >> Where all the data gets stored, or will eventually get stored, the
> >> world's largest WiFi online searchable, map-able
> >> database:
> >>
> >> Wardriving defined and upheld.
> >>
> >> The #1 website for wardriving discussion, configuration, ethics,
> >> hardware support, software support, and home of NetStumbler users.
> >>
> >>
> >> Where to download netstumbler for windows (new version coming
> >>
> >> soon):
> >>
> >> The sole author of netstumbler, Marius Milner:
> >>
> >>
> >> Where to download kismet for linux:
> >>
> >> The Church of WiFi... NMEA!
> >>
> >> Wardriving information news site.
> >>
> >>
> >> #1 site to get wardriving stickers and wearables.
> >>
> >>
> >> #1 wardriving FAQ and book - EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS.
> >>
> >>
> >> #1 wardriving hardware facility:
> >>
> >>
> >> DEFCON 11 - this year quite wireless heavy, including bluetooth
> >> wardriving, and 802.11. Including two 802.11 contents,
> one running
> >> its second year DEFCON WARDRIVIG CONTEST and the new WiFi-Shootout.
> >>
> >> wardriving is not a crime.
> >>
> >> wardriving: v. The benign act of locating and logging
> wireless access
> >> points while in motion
> >>
> >> wardriving is one word, not two.
> >>
> >> wardriving does not mean w.a.r.driving, nor is it an acronym for
> >> "wireless access reconnaissance" - this is all media hype, urban
> >> myths.
> >>
> >> warchalking is a joke and does not exist int he real world, real
> >> wardrivers laugh about this everytime we read about it.
> >>
> >> wardrivers are not hackers, but hackers can be wardrivers,
> thus they
> >> are not interchangeable or synonymous.
> >>
> >> regarding ethics: As is human nature there are those whom are
> >>
> >> aligned all along the spectrum. Within this spectrum such may be
> >> identified at the extremes of this spectrum; commonly known as bad
> >> and at the other side good. While most common man does not
> thrive in
> >> the extremes, there are a few that do.
> >>
> >> Man is not black and white. Man is technicolor.
> >>
> >> regarding laws: Wardriving is not a crime. Wardrivers do not break
> >> into unauthorized systems. Hackers do not break into unauthorized
> >> systems. Criminals break into unauthorized systems and
> shouldn't do
> >> the crime if they can't do the time.
> >>
> >> Criminals should be punished to the full extent of the law. There
> >> isn't one wardriver I know that does not agree with this.
> >>
> >> wardriving is not difficult, nor does it require extensive
> technical
> >> skill or knowledge. Any aoler can be a wardriver in
> >>
> >> its mechanical form. Most aolers build a system copied
> from someone
> >> else, spend around 1000$USD, then get bored with it and
> try to sell
> >> his or her systems off.
> >>
> >> wardriving is not about FREE anything. There is no such thing
> >as FREE.
> >>
> >> the worldwidewardrive is a tool of awarenesss. we are the
> sticker on
> >> the side of the cigarette box that state that being stupid can be
> >> damaging to your digital self. For some reason the wifi
> manufactures
> >> do not state this, we feel they should.
> >>
> >> wardriving does not include "drive-by" spamming, "drive-by"
> >> terrorism, or even "drive-by" TCP/IP... no one reads emails,
> >>
> >> surfs the net, goes through your hard-disk, steals your
> credit card
> >> numbers, uploads pr0n to your box... wardrivers do not do this.
> >>
> >> #1 rule: RTFM
> >> #2 rule: GOOGLE
> >> #3 rule: stop failing
> >> #4 rule: learn from your failure
> >> #5 rule: begin at rule #1
> >>
> >> All your 802.11b are belong to us.
> >>
> >> blackwave
> >> - -=BW=-
> >>
> >> On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 23:47:44 -0700 Xeni Jardin <>
> >wrote:
> >> >Hi, blackwave,
> >> >
> >> >I'm a contributor to WIRED News, and I'm working on a story about
> >the
> >> >WWWD. Would like to chat with you about the project -- any chance
> >> >you might be available sometime tomorrow or Friday for a phone
> >> conversation?
> >> >I'm based in LA, and see that you're heading up the OC effort
> >for
> >> >this
> >> >project... if you happen to be in LA over the next few days,
> >I'd
> >> >welcome
> >> >the opportunity to do a face-to-face meeting, but phone would
> >be
> >> >fine
> >> >otherwise.
> >> >
> >> >We're planning to run the story next week.
> >> >
> >> >Thanks in advance for your reply!
> >> >
> >> >- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> >> >Xeni Jardin
> >> >freelance journalist & event developer
> >> > | AOL-IM: xenidotnet | say: /SHEH-nee/
> >> >
> >> >+ mobile: LA 310.428.XENI [9364] | SF/SV 408.621.9926
> >> >+ fax or voicemail me anywhere:
> >> > LA 323.843.XENI [9364] | SF/SV 408.516.9672 | NYC 646.349.4853
> >> >+ All numbers above reach me wherever I am. Use the one
> you prefer.
> >> >
> >> >collaborative weblog:
> >> >phonecam blog:
> >> >vanity site:
> >> >wireless tech listserv:
> >> >digital folk art project:
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
> >> Note: This signature can be verified at
> >>
> >> Version: Hush 2.3
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> njJ7N4Qzguluiod332JodRlj7/10
> >> =VTqK
> >> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> Note: This signature can be verified at
> Version: Hush 2.3
> wkYEARECAAYFAj7x760ACgkQUB4UQlXzZ7D+qQCePzmnWYpnEI3nfFzLo26JqGyE/24A
> njGpf7jmCB5e7yUGrdQWTuJijDvo
> =dWfi

... time went by and finally xeni replied with ....
Thread 2
Encrypted Signers Show actual message


Subject: RE: time-sensitive media Inquiry from WIRED News: WWWD

Greetings Xeni,

I have provided for you the answers to your questions below. You may
not alter any of my words.

On Wed, 25 Jun 2003 19:24:56 -0700 Xeni Jardin <> wrote:
>Blackwave, thanks again for your reply. Here are my questions, and
>you're able to reply tomorrow before 12PM Pacific time, that would
>terrific. If you'd prefer to answer by phone or instant message,
> that's
>great -- just let me know.

>(1) What is your role with regard to the World Wide War Drive?
I am the Local Organizer and Coordinator for Orange County California.
All detailed history as to how my involvement came about can be read
at the following URL:

>(2) Why was the event founded, and what purpose does it serve?
Officially this information is listed in the WWWD FAQ
Personally I feel this is for the good of all. By using the Internet
to quickly disseminate analysis information of the participating hubs
everyone globally can learn from the experience. As in most distributed
projects results come in faster and more accurate than if one entity
were to be doing the same thing. It is an orgy of information.

>(3) What information is gathered, by whom, and why?
Officially this information is listed in the WWWD FAQ
There is now an automated upload-process that has been put into place
to make this a lot easier for everyone that participates to submit their
data in a timely fashion. It is important to capture this slice of time
as accurately as possible.
The raw data is then put through a few filtering mechanisms to get the
results that will be presented by Roamer personally during his DEFCON
11 presentation "The WorldWide WarDrive: The Myths, The Misconceptions,
The Truth, The Future" -
By gathering more information, the data can be accurately compared to
previous results. Of course we wish to see an improvement in both the
growth of WiFi as well as the improved levels of actually configuring
the access points BEFORE putting them live to the world.

>(4) What happens with the data once participants have submitted
>Where is it stored, how is it used?
The WWWD3 starts June 28th and ends July 5th 2003. This is the period
where we encourage participants to gather as much data as possible. As
mentioned above the data is filtered and turned into statistical results.
The listing of results is the only artifact of the event ever taking
place. There is nowhere on the site to redistribute the data that has
been submitted. We do encourage the individuals to upload to WiGLE (
BEFORE uploading to the WorldWide WarDrive so they may maintain their
credits. There are of course those whom wish to donate the credits to
the WWWD and are free to do so.

>(5) This isn't the first WWWD -- how has the event changed over
>Have the number or type of participants changed? What about the
>gathered -- can you comment on how the nature of the data has changed
>over time (presumably you've seen the number of APs grow, for instance)
There are certainly more participants involved at every WorldWide WarDrive
We even now have T-shirts and commemorative coins celebrating the success
of the WWWD as an information machine for the masses. It is an awesome
event to see so many like-minded individuals whom wish to work together
and donate their time and effort and put forth their knowledge and experience
to churn this machine and make it work!
T-Shirts: ... hirts.html

>(6) What are some of the more common misunderstandings about the
>WWWD --
>or of wardriving in general? How do you respond to the notion (some
>would say misperception) that wardriving is illegal, or that wardrivers
>are somehow breaking the law by sniffing out APs?
The masses are misinformed and even "disinformed" to believe that the
WWWD may be questionable in its goal and methods of achieving these goals.
The root of course is the usage of the word "wardriving" which I have
cleared up below:
wardriving is not a crime.

wardriving: v. The benign act of locating and logging wireless access

points while in motion

wardriving is one word, not two.

wardriving does not mean w.a.r.driving, nor is it an acronym for "wireless

access reconnaissance" - this is all media hype, urban myths.

warchalking is a joke and does not exist int he real world, real wardrivers

laugh about this everytime we read about it.

wardrivers are not hackers, but hackers can be wardrivers, thus they

are not interchangeable or synonymous.

regarding ethics: As is human nature there are those whom are aligned

all along the spectrum. Within this spectrum such may be identified at

the extremes of this spectrum; commonly known as bad and at the other

side good. While most common man does not thrive in the extremes, there

are a few that do. Man is not black and white. Man is technicolor.

regarding laws: Wardriving is not a crime. Wardrivers do not break into

unauthorized systems. Hackers do not break into unauthorized systems.

Criminals break into unauthorized systems and shouldn't do the crime

if they can't do the time. Criminals should be punished to the full extent

of the law. There isn't one wardriver I know that does not agree with


wardriving is not difficult, nor does it require extensive technical

skill or knowledge. Any aoler can be a wardriver in its mechanical form.

Most aolers build a system copied from someone else, spend around 1000$USD,

then get bored with it and try to sell his or her systems off.

wardriving is not about FREE anything. There is no such thing as FREE.

the worldwidewardrive is a tool of awarenesss. we are the sticker on

the side of the cigarette box that state that being stupid can be damaging

to your digital self. For some reason the wifi manufactures do not state

this, we feel they should.

wardriving does not include "drive-by" spamming, "drive-by" terrorism,

or even "drive-by" TCP/IP... no one reads emails, surfs the net, goes

through your hard-disk, steals your credit card numbers, uploads pr0n

to your box... wardrivers do not do this.

>(7) Other than your work with the WWWD, what do you do? What is
>"real" name? Can you disclose in what city/state you live?
I am known as blackwave. All I will disclose is that I am in the INFOSEC
field. I reside and work in Irvine, California.

>(8) What do you hope that the public -- or, say, network admins
>particular -- gets out of the WWWD?
Officially this information is listed in the WWWD FAQ
Personally I hope that value is proven from the persistence of sharing
information globally. Information wants to be free. Think for yourself.
Make a difference.

>(9) If you could say one thing to a corporate or home user setting
>up a
>WLAN for the first time, if you could give them one piece of advice
>what would it be?


You are quite welcome. See you on the other side.

- -=BW=-

>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Xeni Jardin
>freelance journalist & event developer
> | AOL-IM: xenidotnet | say: /SHEH-nee/
>+ mobile: LA 310.428.XENI [9364] | SF/SV 408.621.9926
>+ fax or voicemail me anywhere:
> LA 323.843.XENI [9364] | SF/SV 408.516.9672 | NYC 646.349.4853
>+ All numbers above reach me wherever I am. Use the one you prefer.
>collaborative weblog:
>phonecam blog:
>vanity site:
>wireless tech listserv:
>digital folk art project:

... lastly here is the end result... notice how carefully crafted my words were used ...,1382,59460,00.html